On Saturday, February 11, my friends and I were up early and ready for more sight seeing in
Paris. Our first stop: the Lourve. I was happy to discover that we get in free with our student visas but disappointed to have not adequately prepared for this endeavor – none of us knew what art pieces to see! I know, we are horrible. I meant to ask my roommate – the art history major – to write down all the artwork we needed to see in the Lourve but never got around to it. So we went in blind.
We headed to the Mona Lisa first, as that was the one piece we all really wanted to see in person. After that, we followed the brochure’s directions and went the pieces they highlighted. Everything was wonderful, however, I wish I had known more about at what I was looking. I needed a tour guide! Nevertheless, it was great to be in such a historic museum surrounded by famous artwork.
After we felt as if we had seen enough, we headed out and stopped for lunch on our way to the Notre Dame cathedral. French onion soups all around!
We then made our way to Notre Dame. As my parents can tell you, I am not big on churches. After seeing about 35 different churches during our family trip to
Rome, I was probably set for the rest of my life. However, I was surprised to find how much I enjoyed the inside of this cathedral. I loved the beautiful gothic architecture and the peaceful ambiance inside the church. The grandness of the church, the hush of the crowd, and the dimly lit candles all attributed to a soothing atmosphere which I enjoyed.
We had then planned to see the gardens, but unfortunately Maria and I lost Rachel and Anna inside the church and couldn’t find the gardens! After looking for our friends and the gardens for what seemed like forever, we gave up and warmed up with a crepe made hot and fresh for us on the street. I got Nutella and coconut J

We then did some window shopping on a fairly happening street. I’m not sure if we were shopping or just escaping from the cold at every chance we saw possible on the way home. We made it home just after Anna and Rachel returned from the gardens with enough time to rest up before dinner. Tonight, we asked the man at the front desk of our hotel for a recommendation for dinner. He pointed us in the direction of a nearby restaurant which he described as “very good” and “very French”. When we arrived there was a line out the door! I guess that a good sign that the food is good. We waited in line hoping to be fit in before they stop seating people at ten. We were the last group seated and so excited to get in!

The atmosphere of this restaurant was amazing. It was a huge place, moderately priced, and every dish that passed by us looked amazing. Everyone ordered steak and fries, while I ordered fish. I had no idea what type was coming as I could not read the French menu, but the water assured me it was good. It ended up being a white fish with an artichoke sauce and green beans. Loved the artichokes!
We all ordered ice cream for dessert. I got mine with fruit while others got chocolate sauce. I have to say when he brought mine out, I was a little disappointed. I wanted it to be a huge sundae and it was just a scoop of ice cream, while my friends were served larger bowls filled with chocolate syrup. Oh well, next time I know to go big or go home!