Yesterday marked the start of classes. It was a reality check, as I realized there is more to be done this semester than just fun and traveling. The first day proved very busy for me as I had classes all day, and a meeting in the evening arriving home just in time for dinner at 7:30pm.
My day started early but luckily my roommate and I start classes at the same time every morning, so we can make the 30 minute walk to school together. Along with other classes, I enjoyed my first drawing class of the semester in the afternoon. For today’s assignment, my professor’s only instruction was, “Go anywhere on campus and draw a picture”. Having nothing to go on, I sat in the garden drawing, sipping a cappuccino until my fingers were to cold to continue. I must say my drawing skills are a little rusty since high school, but it’s nice to get back into it. What better place than Florence ?
After classes, a friend and I headed out to do some errands and get school supplies. After picking out some notebooks, we stopped for a first day of school treat at a little bakery I have being eyeing all week.
Cream puffs! Coffee flavored for me.
After a long day, and walking to and from school in the 25 degree weather, Cristina prepared pasta with broccoli, salad, and an artichoke and egg dish for dinner. For dessert her neighbor brought over a cake for us! I enjoyed my cake with a kiwi on the side, as fruit is always offered with dessert. Marco and Cristina were very excited to see what we had learned in our first day of Italian class – unfortunately not too much. I think we are all excited that Ali and I are leaning Italian and look forward to when we can communicate in Italian well.
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